Another key important work-stream when migrating from one system to another is the migration of your existing data into BillingLabs.
The migration consists in extracting the data from the old sources, adapting and formatting it to match BillingLabs’ data structure, and finally inserting it in BillingLabs. It is always an adhoc project in itself as it depends on the company’s size, organization, and the complexity of the products and offers to migrate. This part can be handled internally, within your company, or subcontracted to us.
Something you also get to know when you get experienced in migrations like us is that the quality of data to migrate is crucial.
Experience have shown that it is not unusual, for customers preparing for a data migration, to discover issues with their legacy billing which they were not aware of, such as lost events, missing subscriptions, incorrect billing rules, wrong prices… The migration is quite often an opportunity of a revenue increase assuming the right level of efforts is dedicated to data cleansing.
We have migration specialists at SpikeeLabs who can assist you in:
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