Risk-free GoLive

One of the main challenge when moving to a new billing is to secure revenue over that phase and a seamless transition for end customers.

The Go Live milestone is the final step of a demanding BSS swap program and the moment of truth, when the new system is in full operations and the team can say the job is done.

Everything possible to reduce the risk of discovering issues at that point must be considered well ahead before along the project and various scenarios shall be considered :

  • The testing of the new system must be exhaustive
  • All risks must be reviewed with an associated mitigation plan
  • The program must be carefully managed with a clear stakeholder commitment !

Nevertheless, the safest preparation for a successful GoLive is the parallel RUN approach.

This consists in having both the legacy and the new BSS work in parallel, using the same input data. By doing so, it is possible to compare outcomes (invoices, revenues per segments…) and establish a minimum compliance ratio between the two chains as a prerequisite for a Go Live.

The Go Live will then consist in “unplugging” the legacy BSS and taking the outputs of the new BSS as the operational source for ERP.