BillingLabs is a modular “quote to bill” software suite which was designed by SpikeeLabs :
Based on the billing mechanisms which can be as simple as a fixed monthly subscription fee or as complex as a combination of “pay per use”, variable price on quantity and subscription fee, BillingLabs will calculate the total amount due by each active account, produce the corresponding invoice and update the corresponding Account Receivables in the accounting system.
A suite of microservices to enable the Billing Process :
A set of 9 #microservices :
Thanks to the Microservice Architecture associated with Reactive Pattern, BillingLabs is a very powerful billing engine offering a high-performance processing capacity associated with a flexible cooperative development stack shortening your Time to Market.
Scalable & stable processing capacity is achieved thanks to independent asynchronous processing units communicating with publish-subscribe mechanisms. The solution can be scaled up or down on a cluster of mid-range servers whenever you want: on premises or in the cloud.
The integration with your existing IT is made easy through our full REST APIs developed in Python or through MDM synchronization using Kafka Streams.